Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The rumors of my death have greatly exagerrated...again

I bought a peach today the size of a softball.

But that is not what this is about.

Or maybe it is, I don't know. This may not be about anything. Of course that's not true. The very fact there is something on this page, er, screen, is something. It might be nothing more than an exercise to get my fingers comfortable with tap-tap-tappin' on this keyboard again, but it most definitely is something. Something most likely not resembling greatness, but hopefully, at least, resembling English.

I've been reading lately, and I have found the more I read, the more I want to write. Don't get me wrong, I have always been a reader. Those who know me know there is nothing I am more snobbish about than the books I
(and others) read. My cousin, who shall remain nameless, reads nothing but non-fiction. I don't know how she does it. What truth can possibly be found in such works?

I have a stack of novels I have been catching up on. I eased back into things with Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy. This is a book I have already read, so I thought it might be good to start with. You know, learn how to read literature again. Cormac McCarthy is probably my favorite living American writer. It is rumored to be an upcoming movie, but I have difficulty imagining an adaptation because in case you haven't read it, Blood Meridian is a hyper-violent novel.

The second novel recently completed is The Yiddish Policemen's Union by Michael Chabon. Excellent.

The novel I am involved with right now is The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana by Umberto Eco. So far so good. Next up is Cloud Atlas.

There is no reason you need to know what I'm reading, but I needed to fill space. I couldn't have my first post in almost six months be two paragraphs. Bad form.

I have a beer resting on a treadmill with Californication on the television because I love Hank Moody, and this show also makes me want to write.

The beer on the treadmill has nothing to do with me writing.

I should clarify. I always want to write, but these pop culture inspirations make we want to put fingers to plastic. At least I think they're plastic.

Are they plastic?