Monday, October 19, 2009

Cookie Logic

I honestly cannot think of a cookie I don't like. And if there is one, I haven't come across it yet. There are definitely some I enjoy less than others, but if you put some cookies in front of me, chances are I'll partake. Big or small, soft or hard, chewy or crunchy, me likes cookies.

One of the curious things about cookies is they are difficult to qualify, they cannot be put in a box (actually they can be, but more and more I find they are packaged in bags. Girl Scout cookies - they come in boxes). Are they a dessert, or are they a snack? I think most of us would agree they are a combination of both. They're versatile. What sets cookies apart from other desserts and really elevates them to the summit of Olympus is their portability. Given you're not trekking around with a giant Mrs. Fields cookie, they can easily be placed in a bag(!) and toted around town, around the world, around the solar system. Seriously, who is going to shove a piece of cake or a slice of pie in their pocket? Maybe someone looking for a good time, but probably not too many.

Cookies build bridges and encourage goodwill. How? Simple, people can share cookies. Think about it: you're sitting on the bus and the person next to you whips out that slice of strawberry rhubarb pie he's had crammed in his pocket. Chances are, you're going to politely decline the piece he tears off for you. Now consider this, dude sits down with a bag of Milanos and notices you eyeing them. Understanding the divine nature of sharing food, he offers you one. Tell me you don't get down. Of course you do. Boom, your life just got a little better. Maybe you now have a story to tell about how grandma and grandpa met. Or maybe your bus ride just became a bit more bearable.

Cookies are magical.

Not in a Merlin or Harry Potter way, but in a there's a goddamn Muppet named for them sort of way. Jim Henson was on to something when he dreamed up Monsieur Cookie. Think of the charmed life Cookie Monster leads. His only existential crisis centers around when and where he is going to score his next sweet morsel of baked goodness.

We can all learn something from Cookie.

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