Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Fiction #1 -- "Bring me a dream"

I am leaving on a jet plane tomorrow morning for Memphis, so that has taken up most of my free time lately. This is just a little something I wrote earlier this year after asking for some first lines from my friends. The first line of this composition was provided by my old friend Michelle. It's not much, just a quick beginning, or, maybe it's done. Anyway, here it is.


-Sho nuff, whispers the Sandman, as the dust settles onto Jerome's gratefully sleeping eyes.
Two beats.
-Well, what do you think?
-About what
-About what I said.
-I’m sorry, what did you say?
-Sho nuff, whispers the Sandman, as the dust settles onto Jerome’s gratefully sleeping eyes.
A beat.
-That doesn’t mean anything.
-What do you mean?
-What do you mean what do you mean? That statement doesn’t mean anything.
-Of course it doesn’t.
-I mean of course it doesn’t now.
-Of course. So when does it?
-When you know what comes before it.
Two beats. Eyebrows raised.
-It’s the ending.
-Mm hmm ---------------Well it sounds like an ending. Dust settling on gratefully sleeping eyes – that’s an ending if I’ve ever heard one. Very final.
-Thank you.
-I’m not so sure about the Sandman using a phrase like sho nuff.
-Really. I get the feeling he’d stay away from colloquialisms – be a bit more formal.
-So…sure enough?
-That’s what I’m thinking – but I don’t know. The Sandman - whether that’s his name, or title, or both - is a pretty sweet moniker. So sho nuff could very well be a part of his lexicon.
-You’re right. The Sandman, that’s a baaad name.
-I’m not sure it’s three a’s bad, but I agree with the sentiment. What’s it ending?


  1. Fo Shizzle... Snoopsanddogman? Fo shiz!...?
    I really like this one, I felt like It was saying what I was thinking as I thought it. Weird.

  2. Movie Mash-Ups...

    Visual: Julius Carry
    Audio: Ben Stiller

    “Now, you will go to sleep! Or I will PUT you to sleep.”
